Royal Aeronautical Society Australian Division (2013 – 2020)


In November 2013, the Royal Aeronautical Society Australian Division started to look at possible options for a redevelopment of their website. As a young member at the time and acting webmaster for the Melbourne Branch, I volunteered my time to take on this project.

Throughout 2014, I worked with a number of CMS platforms and templates to investigate which would integrate well with the Society's needs, including plugins and additional functionality. A base CMS platform of Joomla 3.x was decided upon early in the process and development on the site began.

In November 2014, following an eight week testing program, the site I developed was accepted by the Australian Division Coucil. The site is built on Joomla 3.x and integrates a modified Joomla Art Template. It uses ChronoForms for membership enquiries and integrates each Branch's Eventbrite pages onto their event calendar. The site also has CiviCRM on the back-end and is being deveopled for use to manage the Society's membership. The system has been developed to also integrate links with MailChimp as an email distribution platform for all the Australian Division Branches.

Between November 2014 until March 2020, I acted as the Australian Division Webmaster, and supported development of the website. The website has now migrated to a new online SAAS provider, and I continue to provide ad-hoc support to the Australian Division General Manager for back-end support.